Sunday 10 November 2013

Innovative Technologies: Can Flies Simply Revolutionize Warfares ??!

Video Analytics in a tiny Fly
Can you imagine a 15 cm insect-like aircraft that would be able to spy, record, transmit live visual information, and eventually KILL TARGETS??!!

Yes!  I found out when surfing that MicroAerial Vehicles (MAV) " an innovative technology of tiny unmanned vehicles to do the previously mentioned tasks- while relying significantly on our blog topic Video Analytics.

MAV have been recently getting their inspiration from flying insects or birds. Attempting  vigorously to mimic their exact behaviour and capabilities. Which means those tiny aircrafts are using flapping wings to hover around freely in any direction possible. Also, those aircrafts don’t just have eyes… They’ve got a multitude of sensors that would allow them to detect gyroscopes, wind, and their entire surrounding. 

Check out the video below to have a clearer visualisation

MAV can be applied and provide benefits in a variety of arrays, such as Public Safety, wildlife and Environmental surveillance, infrastructure Management, Scientific Research ( Yet in this blog we will focus on their military applications as they can be a major GAMECHANGER!

How MAV use video analytics?

These tiny flies are equipped with a GPS, minuscule camera, recorders, a modem and many more. Wondering why?

Well according to Air force that are currently developing a technological outbreak for the U.S Military “Data will be communicated among the MAVs to enable real time, reliable decision-making and to provide an advanced overall picture for other platforms or operators'.

The video posted below is a beta demonstration of the Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle have a look and see how it works.

Business Intelligence

 “To Hover, Stalk, and Even Kill target” according to an article posted in the DailyMail  .

Those technological flies can work in groups to provide detailed battlefield surveillance, reaching locations that were seemed inaccessible before.

Another unique Video Analytic feature is that those flies navigate by “sight” provided from the sensors rather than GPS. Advantages? The Enemy cannot jam the network by any means.

Group Masacre in Syria
You can also think of them as tiny spying agents providing the government with Intel on their enemies’ hideouts and strategies. It might be of great help such as speeding up the revolutionary war in Syria.

Those MAV can even fly anywhere searching for victims, spotting bombs that harm civilians and infiltrating terrorist cells. Keeping the example of Syria in mind with a death toll of 115,000 people in 3 years, imagine how many of those lives could have been saved with just those tiny FLIES.

Risk and Challenges:

We need to keep in mind though that there’s a major other side of the coin. Especially if this innovative technology was placed in wrong hands. Those risk and challenges can be majorly related to privacy, battery difficulty and assassination.

Privacy is self-explanatory; we would be so easily spied at like never before. Also, inserting a battery in such a small object is a major challenge. However, thankfully to development in nanotechnology this can be solved in the near future. Another solution viewed in the video is the ability of the MAV to draw power from electrical wire (or any electrical source provider).

Answering our blog post title “Can FLIES simply revolutionize Warfares ??!”

In our opinion and based on the video posted … Definitely YES. Especially if those MAV get furtherly developed with the ability to assassin selected targets. Piercing the human skin with a tiny needle without even realizing!!

Feel free to let us know what you think of MAVs?


  1. Good job guys:)

  2. Thank you Giulia and Soundtrack of the youth :):)

  3. Unbelievable! A small device capable of doing so many things, thanks to technology.
