Sunday 24 November 2013

Video Analytics & Video Surveillance to VSaaS!

Folks! This week we are going to give you a little sneak peek into the Video Surveillance as a Service or VSaaS  market out there.Video surveillance is a primary component of the video analytic technology. This blog will cover some of the main concepts of this feature and it's integration into the cloud service.

Due to massive development in the filed of video data analytic's and the everyday implementation of this technology, enterprises have seized this opportunity to take it to the next level with VSaaS. VSaaS takes the video surveillance into the cloud. Also known as hosted or managed video services, video analytic data from customer IP cameras are transmitted into the service provider's secure cloud storage. This uses nothing more than IP cameras connected to video servers, to record images away from the point of visual contact which may be thousands of miles apart.

This aspect of this technology can be seen as one of the main business value propositions. It is estimated that the VSaaS market is expected to reach $2390.9 million by 2017 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 31.5% from 2012 to 2017.

Some of the key benefits of video surveillance and cloud storage combined is that it reduces the technical resources required to maintain a system while systematizing the security operations in a centralized IT data centre which in turn makes them more efficient. The use of VSaaS adds more benefits to surveillance industry with the help of video analytics. For instance, if you are intending to use the camera only when an incident occurs, it is critical to know what is constantly being captured. With the such data remaining on site, there is always the risk of the data being tampered or destroyed, which in turn renders the whole surveillance data useless. This is when you can take full advantage of the VSaaS. 

One of the main challenges that VSaaS faces is privacy legislation, like any other cloud based services operating across international borders. Do check out the video below which sums up how the VSaaS works.

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