Saturday 16 November 2013

Next generation billboard

Intel's chip - bringing video analytics to marketing

As everyone knows even the best product is not able to sell itself without a well planned marketing campaign. Companies use advertisements to attract customers, and create their need for products or services they sell. Now think for a second about billboards and lightboxes you pass by everyday on a street, in a mall,or  on a bus stop. Can you tell what they actually present? What product appears on it?

Nowadays, we are bombarded with millions and millions of advertisements containing  useless information. A human brain can not accumulate and process this huge amount of data, so it learned to ignore most of it . Studies show that while watching commercials our brain is a few times less active than while watching a  movie. This means that the best way to catch someones attention is to give them personalized, customized information, and advertisements. Do you remember the scene in the Minority Report movie when billboards scanned Tom Cruises eye so as to provide him with a personalized add? For most of us, this film is only a Steven Spielbergs irrational vision of future. Or is it?

Intel is currently working on Anonymous Videoanalytics Technology which will help advertisers get to their target customers. The idea is simple, Intel equipes digital signs with a powerful Intel Core i5 or i7 processor (analyzing millions of pixels every second), audience impression metric software and a sensor. This combination of high-tech components will enable the digital signage to determine basic information about people passing by (their age, gender or even the information how long is the “target” actually looking at the sign). Thanks to this one of a kind software system companies will be able to adapt their ad content so as to catch attention of a broader audience. Just imagine a teenage girl walking into a mall that immediately sees a sale on handbags and shoes! Apart from adapting the ads to passing  customers this new system will also help advertisers to measure the ad effectiveness by comparing the number of ad viewers with the sales figures. Without a doubt this feature will make planning marketing campaigns much easier.

This new approach to advertising has also its disadvantages. It seems obvious that this technology will violate our privacy. Intels managers need to answer an important question, whether people will accept that they are being constantly “hunted” on. What is more, companies using Intel solutions will have to assure society that they have clean procedures concerning gathering data. This should not be a problem though, slowly but still, we are getting used to being permanently watched and soon we will comprehend that our privacy will never be as secure as it was in pre-CCTV and internet times.

To sum up, it is certain that this new technology will appeal to many companies. After all every company constantly needs to improve its recognition. What is more, measuring effectiveness of traditional marketing campaigns (newspapers, billboards, radio, TV) has always been difficult and rather inaccurate. Intels Anonymous Video Analytics Technology and Digital Signage might prove that in the world shifting towards online marketing the traditional way of advertising can still be efficient.
Intel's Digital Signage - this advertising platform will soon be seen in every mall

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